12.1  Correspondence

     The basic form is:

►    Letter from [or “Memorandum from”] [name and title, abbreviated, of author of item] to [name and title, abbreviated, of recipient] (date) (subject of item, if appropriate) (location parenthetical or appended URL if available).

     For an individual who is a staff member of the Florida Legislature, include a reference to “Fla. H.R.” or “Fla. S.” in the title reference. For state legislators, each legislator’s name should be preceded by the abbreviation for the house the legislator is a member of (“Sen.” or “Rep.”) followed by the member’s name and, if it is the first reference to the legislator, the abbreviation for the political party to which the member belongs and the member’s home town.

►    Letter from Larry Polivka, Ass’t Secretary, HRS Aging and Adult Servs., to June Noel, Exec. Dir., Fla. Pepper Comm’n on Aging (May 23, 1990) (available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Fla. State Archives, Tallahassee, Fla.).

►    Letter from David K. Coburn, Staff Dir., Fla. H.R. Majority Office, to Carroll Webb, Exec. Dir., Fla. Legis. J. Admin. Procs. Comm. (Oct. 16, 1990) (on file with House Speaker’s office).

12.2   Interviews

     The basic form is:

►    Interview with [name and title, abbreviated, of the person inter- viewed] [location of interview if in-person interview] (date of inter- view) (location of notes or recording of interview if available).

     For an individual who is a staff member of the Florida Legislature, include a reference to “Fla. H.R.” or “Fla. S.” in the title reference. For state legislators, each legislator’s name should be preceded by the abbreviation for the house the legislator is a member of (“Sen.” or “Rep.”) followed by the member’s name and, if first reference, the abbreviation for the political party to which the member belongs, and the member’s home town.

     If the subject is a lobbyist, indicate after the individual’s title that the individual is a “lobbyist for” and then indicate the appropriate group that the lobbyist represents, as recorded in the Lobbyist Registration book prepared by the Clerk of the Florida House of Representatives.

►   Interview with Karen Stolting, Staff Dir., Fla. Legis. J. Comm. Info. Tech. Res. in Tallahassee, Fla. (Mar. 28, 1996) (recording available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Fla. State Archives, Tallahassee, Fla.).

►    Interview with Rep. Elaine Gordon, Dem., Miami, in Orlando, Fla. (Apr. 1, 1990) (notes on file with author).

►    Telephone Interview with Wade Hopping, Att’y, lobbyist for ITT Cmty. Dev. Corp. and Gulfstream Land & Development Corp. (July 10, 1985).

►    Telephone Interview with Steve Metz, representing Fla. Lumbermen & Material Dealers Ass’n (Aug. 1, 1989) (notes available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Fla. State Archives, Tallahassee, Fla.).

12.3  Press Releases

     The basic form is:

►    Press Release, [office, name and title, abbreviated, of sender] (subject of press release) (date of press release) (location parenthetical or appended URL).

►    Press Release from Fla. H.R. Majority Office, Rep. Ron Silver, Dem., Orlando (Apr. 1, 1994) (detailing reasons for decline of Re- publican Party over the last twenty years) (on file with Fla. St. U. L. Rev., Tallahassee, Fla.).

►    Press Release from Fla. S. Dis. 13, Sen. Linda Stewart, Dem., N. Miami, Chair (June 1, 2018) (calling for the Florida legislature to ratify the ERA), https://www.flsenate.gov/Media/PressReleases/
Show/2979 [https://perma.cc/7QYH-WSZG].

12.4   Visual or Audio Recordings

     All visual and audio recordings should include a pincite to the minutes during which the particular material referenced was covered except where the entire recording is relevant.

     The basic form is: 

►   [title of work if any], [author], [type of recording], [at minutes] (date & time), [appended URL] [permanent archive link or last visited parenthetical]. The use of an explanatory parenthetical is encouraged.

Legal Documents:

►   Chat About Florida Politics Publisher Peter Schorsch, PM Tampa Bay, podcast, at 0:12:02-0:14:09 (Jan. 5, 2019), https://www.iheart.com/
podcast/960-pm-tampa-bay-29061869/episode/florida-politics-publisher-peter-schorsch-1419-30376924/ [https://perma.cc/R9P8-B3LE] (discussing the inauguration of governor-elect Ron DeSantis).

Scholarly Works:

►   Chat About Florida Politics Publisher Peter Schorsch, PM Tampa Bay, podcast, at 0:12:02-0:14:09 (Jan. 5, 2019), https://www.iheart.com/
podcast/960-pm-tampa-bay-29061869/episode/florida-politics-publisher-peter-schorsch-1419-30376924/ [https://perma.cc/R9P8-B3LE] (discussing the inauguration of governor-elect Ron DeSantis).

12.5  Location

     When a citation requires the inclusion of the location of the document, report, or other item, use the formats given below.

12.5.1  Online

     For sources available online, whenever possible append the URL following the citation. It is recommended that permanent links be provided immediately after web links in brackets whenever possible. See supraRule 11. 

12.5.2  Committee That Wrote Document

     The form is:

►    (on file with comm.)

12.5.3  Florida State Archives

     If the document is located at the Florida State Archives, use the following form:

►    (available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Fla. State Archives, ser. [number], carton [number], Tallahassee, Fla.)

►    Memorandum from Bob Crawford, 1988 President-designate, Fla. S., to Members, Advisory Comm. (Oct. 17, 1988) (discussing the Advisory Comm.) (available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Fla. State Archives, ser. 157, carton 153, Tallahassee, Fla.).

     For cited materials that may be difficult to obtain, no series or carton numbers are required.

For a detailed proposal of such an assisted living program, see K. Wilson, Assisted Living: The Merger of Housing and Long-Term Care Services (unpublished paper, available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Fla. State Archives, Tallahassee, Fla.).

12.5.4  Legislative Library

     The form is:

►    (available at Fla. Legis. Library, Fla. Dep’t of State, Div. of Library Servs., Tallahassee, Fla.)

12.5.5  State Library

     The form is:

►    (available at Fla. Dep’t of State, Div. of Library Servs., 
Tallahassee, Fla.)

12.5.6  Law Reviews and Journals

     If a legal publication has a copy of the item on file, then indicate this in the following manner:

►    (on file with Florida State University Law Review)

12.5.7  Other Forms

     See Tables 1-7 to devise an appropriate short form for the location of other documents, reports, or materials. If the item is held by the office that created or received the item, use the form “on file with” to introduce the location. If the item is held by a library, archives, or other such repository use the form “available at.”

12.6  Florida Newspapers

(a) General form. Citation to Florida newspapers follows the format of BluebookRule 16.5. For abbreviations, see Table 7 below.

Legal Documents:

►    Craig Crawford, Ask Right Question, Answer May Follow, Orlando Sent., Feb. 20, 1995, at A14.

►    Study: Cuts in Benefits Are Needed, St. Pete Times, Dec. 31, 1994, at A7.

Scholarly Works:

►    Craig Crawford, Ask Right Question, Answer May Follow, Orlando Sent.,Feb. 20, 1995, at A14.

►    Study: Cuts in Benefits Are Needed, St. Pete Times,Dec. 31, 1994, at A7.

12.7  Florida Law School Publications

(a) General form. Citation to Florida Law School Journals follows the format of BluebookRules 16.3, 16.4, and 16.6. For abbreviations, see Table 6 below. 

Legal Documents:

►    Ruth Gana Okediji, The Alien-Citizen Paradox and Other Consequences of U.S. Colonialism, 26 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 1, 27 (1998).

►    S. Brent Spain, Comment, Florida Beach Access: Nothing but Wet Sand?, 15 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 167, 172 (1999).

Scholarly Works:

►    Ruth Gana Okediji, The Alien-Citizen Paradox and Other Con sequences of U.S. Colonialism, 26 Fla. St. U. L. Rev.1, 27 (1998).

►    S. Brent Spain, Comment, Florida Beach Access: Nothing but Wet Sand?, 15 J. Land Use & Envtl. L.167, 172 (1999).